| 固定リンク
- うーん(2019.11.02)
- 14MHzで南スーダン(2019.07.26)
- 二匹目のドジョウ(2019.07.06)
- ごもっとも(2019.07.06)
- 北米はダメ(2019.06.23)
投稿: sky | 2018年10月 1日 (月) 12時24分
投稿: Yamada | 2018年10月 1日 (月) 13時14分
Hi. Thanks for writting about me :) I managed to repair FT655 and I kept my word, I didnt spread schematic on the internet. By the way, did you receive my QSL card? Thanks you once again for a great help! After that FT655, I bought two more... Excellent radios!
投稿: yu7xw | 2022年8月 6日 (土) 06時10分
Long time no see Milan !
How did you know this article ? Hi
I think certainly I have got mail from you.
But it has gone out from my memory.
I'm glad to know that you fixed several Japanese TRXs and enjoy them.
I'm still active on 6m mainly.
I worked 3 YU stations on 6m by now.
I hope to see you on the band soon.
投稿: Yamada | 2022年8月 6日 (土) 13時19分
I was searching for TS-930S MRF485 to 2SC1969 conversion, since I have one radio with damaged MRFs, so I found some articles on Your blog. I just made a 6element 6m Yagi by YU7EF design, so I will look for openings towards JA (with FT655 of course ;) ) Have a good day, 73!
投稿: yu7xw | 2022年8月 9日 (火) 04時58分
Well,some people say
>the Vcc 28.7Volts to 2SC1969 is too high, so you should better put a 13.8V regulator for 2SC1969
In my opinion , it will bear in the loaded condition, but I'm not sure.
Please consider the regulator for 2SC1969.
Last week I heared a few YUs on 6m FT8.
I'm looking foward to see you on 6.
But the propagation is getting worse and worse so see you maybe next year?Hi
I'm preparing for a amplifier for 6m.
6 element yagi sounds good.
Good DX 73
投稿: Yamada | 2022年8月 9日 (火) 12時42分
Yes, I am aware that I need to drop down voltage on driver transistors. Now is just problem to source out 1969. Are there some JA maybe still available?
投稿: yu7xw | 2022年8月 9日 (火) 21時37分
No, it's hard to find also in Japan.
Once I replaced MRF486 in FT1021 to Mitsubishi FET RD16HHF1.
It was hard and rude way to fix, but it worked any way Hi
投稿: Yamada | 2022年8月 9日 (火) 22時20分